Aleksandar Janev, PHD
research and teaching associate
Institute of cell biology
Faculty of Medicine,
University of Ljubljana
Aleksandar Janev is a research and teaching associate at the Institute of Cell Biology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, which is also the Center for Electron Microscopy. As part of his doctoral dissertation, he investigated the antitumor effect of the amniotic membrane of the placenta, and he is currently researching new therapeutic approaches for bladder cancer.
Aleksandar participates in the Slovenian national projects “The use of amniotic membrane for innovative multimodal treatment of bacterial cystitis and bladder cancer: effect of its antimicrobial, immunomodulatory and anticancer activity’’ (J7-2594) and “Mimicking Endogenous Lipid Particles to Magnetically Responsive Nanostructures for Enhanced Drug and Nanoparticle Delivery’’ (J2-3040). He was active in all activities within the COST action (CA17116) concerning perinatal tissue derivatives and is a member of the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR), the International Society for Placenta Stem cell research (IPLASS), the Slovenian Biochemical Society and the Slovenian Microscopy Society .
Aleksandar is a member of the Slovenian team in a bilateral project with the Republic of Serbia, which deals with the development of mucoadhesive films with the homogenate of the amniotic membrane of the placenta for potential application in the regeneration of oral tissue.